On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> and the Metro Times wonders why Movement isn't financially successful.
> Earth to the city of Detroit:  to attract tourism dollars, you have to
> provide a safe environment, easy transportation, and places for people
> to spend those dollars.  Festival shootings, con-artist cabbies, shady
> hotels, and a shuttered downtown -- especially when there's 300,000
> thirsty partygoers just across Jefferson -- do not provide an
> environment that many are willing to return to.  Lineup announcement be
> damned; THIS is what people are concerned about when they consider
> travelling to Detroit.

How many times have incidents like this happened in the last fifteen years
at the Freedom Festival?

How many people have attended the Freedom Festival (and the DEMF) over
the last several years?


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