It's not every day we get to read a fine article about a member 
of this very mailing list.

Those of you who know Kelli know what this is all about.
And those who don't might learn a little something about the
reality that is Detroit today, a city suddenly in the midst of
great change once more.



Show Da City Sum Luv
Sidewalks, not highways, are Detroit’s path to prosperity
By Keith Schneider 
Great Lakes Bulletin News Service 
MLUI/Bruce Giffin

Using her skills as a community organizer, Kelli Kavanaugh helps
to revitalize Detroit’s Corktown neighborhood with new sidewalks
and other people-friendly projects.

DETROIT — At the heart of everything — especially a city as
complex, tortured, and promising as Detroit — are stories: Big
stories that explain smaller ones, and small stories that turn
into big ones, all of them folding in and out of themselves and
taking you as close as you can get to the really important
things. Detroit’s story over the last 100 years began so well —
Ford and Fisher, mass production and union organizing — and then
headed south: Road building and riots, white flight and poverty,
and acres of abandoned lots.

Lately, Detroit’s story is decidedly more assuring. Which brings
us to Kelli Kavanaugh, a young, pretty, single engineer and
writer whose small story of urban accomplishment reflects the
unfolding drama of city grit and genuine optimism that is
blossoming in Detroit. Ten years ago Ms. Kavanaugh slipped out
of Livonia, the Detroit suburb where she was raised, to earn an
engineering degree at the University of Detroit Mercy and then
do something more and more talented young people are trying in
Detroit. She stayed to put her skills to work as a community
organizer in Corktown, Detroit’s oldest neighborhood.

In almost any other big American city, Ms. Kavanaugh’s choice
would cause no stir at all. In Detroit, for young white women,
it’s a carefully considered social statement. The reverse flight
thing, which left her old high school friends mildly aghast,
perfectly filled the young engineer’s need to devote her energy
to something larger than herself: A majority black town engulfed
for four decades by more trauma than any other major city in the
United States and now in the 21st century steadily getting

Ms. Kavanaugh and the growing ranks of other agile, tough,
reform-minded, and resilient young adults, white and black, who
are living and working in Detroit are helping to make that
happen. They are expanding homegrown businesses (check out the
Avalon Bakery on Willis Street), playing music (the Detroit
techno festival is the best in the country), restoring the
environment (the River Rouge cleanup is the largest watershed
improvement project in the United States), raising families
(Detroit is in the midst of a $1.4 billion public school
construction program, the largest of any city in the Midwest),
pursuing the arts (the $60 million Max M. Fisher Music Center
opened last year) and advancing professional careers (with 3,395
new construction permits issued last year, Detroit had more new
housing starts than Seattle, Los Angeles, or San Diego.)

Sidewalk Supervisors and Signs of Success

The determined woman has already made one big contribution: A
sidewalk. Actually two blocks of new, concrete-and-brick
sidewalk that complement the 14 blocks of handsome, new, black,
iron streetlights along Michigan Avenue around the old Tiger
Stadium. Four more blocks of new sidewalks are coming, a street
improvement project that will cost $7.6 million when it’s
finished in a couple of years. At $580,000 a block, most people
might ask, what’s the big deal? It’s only a sidewalk. But to Ms.
Kavanaugh, who first entered the maze that is City of Detroit
contracting in 1999 — the same year Tiger Stadium closed — and
came out the other end with a cogent response to the human needs
of the scraped-off landscape that baseball left behind, it’s a
big deal.

If you follow Ms. Kavanaugh on a little trip around Corktown,
it’s easy to see how her work as administrator of the Corktown
Citizens District Council fits in with all the other stuff that
is percolating in this neighborhood. For all of the thrills that
the Tigers provided over the years, their old stadium’s
contribution to Corktown was a handful of sports bars and acres
of dead space, much of it owned by suburban landowners, where
fans parked their cars 81 games a season. When the stadium hard
by the Lodge and Interstate 75 closed, the neighborhood was in
turmoil. Corktown, in effect, exposed one of the basic flaws in
the economic development strategy that ruled in Detroit and
southeast Michigan for over half a century. If parking lots and
freeways determined prosperity, then Corktown and the region
would be one of the world’s choice places to live.

They aren’t, of course. The Detroit metropolitan region is
growing more slowly than almost any other major metropolitan
region in the nation, shedding manufacturing jobs by the
thousands, turning off young adults who are fleeing the suburbs
for more vibrant cities in other states (Michigan in the 1990s
ranked 47 out of 50 states in its ability to retain talented 25-
to-34-year-olds), and producing a climate for business growth
and career opportunity that Forbes Magazine last year ranked
141st out of 150 U.S. metropolitan regions.

But in a classic example of the resiliency of urban landscapes,
Tiger Stadium’s closing caused some parking lot owners to sell
out, producing an opening for new housing and business
opportunities. The Lager House, a watering hole for baseball
fans during the Tigers era, is now one of the top music venues
in Detroit. Renee Zellweger, the Academy Award winning actress,
was involved with Jack White, a Detroit garage band leader, and
was spotted there in recent months. Around the corner from the
stadium, rehabbers are set to turn the old Roosevelt Hotel into
a 32-unit condominium. The lot to the north of the hotel, once
used for baseball parking, has been sold to developers who will
build new townhouses that feature apartments above store fronts.

On Michigan Avenue, the Greater Corktown Development Corporation
bought six 19th-century, two-story storefronts, invested in new
facades, and sold the units for homes and offices. The old
Mercury Bar is being renovated with upstairs lofts. And tying it
all together are the new sidewalks and traditional streetlights
that Ms. Kavanaugh helped design, get funded, and drag across a
long string of City of Detroit desks. They are a gift from her
organization to the neighborhood that for five years she has
called home.

A year ago she paid $129,000 for a 1,400-square-foot Victorian
home and the lot next door in a leafy neighborhood right down
the block from her office. “There aren’t many places,” Ms.
Kavanaugh said, “where a single woman with only one income and
no inheritance could afford a fully-restored Victorian that’s
only a 15-minute walk to the center of downtown.”

Roads to Ruin

It’s been 43 years since Jane Jacobs explained in her seminal
book The Death and Life of Great American Cities that the
highway-building, neighborhood-clearing, cul-de-sac-sprawling
joyride then being launched in full force was a titanic error
that would eventually ruin American cities and then roll the
suburbs, too. Ms. Jacobs, who is now 84 and lives in Toronto,
insisted that it was the seemingly small things — like
sidewalks, interesting storefronts, and safe parks — along with
big things like affordable homes and offices and good schools
that make a city work so well that people want to be there.

History proves she was right. In the 1950s, when Michigan poured
hundreds of millions of dollars into building the Lodge, the
Ford, the Chrysler, and the Southfield Expressways in Detroit,
Toronto built a subway. It was among the many smart and thrifty
human-scale projects that Toronto accomplished to preserve its
vital downtown from destructive freeways and make its urban
neighborhoods among the nicest in North America.

Detroit, meanwhile, lost more than half of its population and
now has fewer residents than it did in 1920. Its suburbs are so
spread out and misshapen that the region has the seventh-most
traffic-clogged roads in the nation, according to the Texas
Transportation Institute. Detroit’s suburbs are now so stressful
and ruinously expensive that they are chasing many people to the
state’s splendidly forested northern Lower Peninsula, making the
region the fastest growing in the Midwest.

It’s taken awhile, but enough people in Detroit and its suburbs
have looked hard at this uncivilized civilization and said
they’ve had enough. Because of people like Ms. Kavanaugh,
Detroit may very well be at the vanguard of a new and uniquely
efficient design for urban redevelopment that relies on economic
and cultural diversity to generate jobs, safe neighborhoods,
excellent public schools, and all the other civic equipment
needed by a world-class community.


Indeed, the city has been doing a lot of things right since she
went to college here in 1994. Visitors say the streets are
cleaner. General Motors spent $500 million to move its corporate
headquarters to the Renaissance Center and renovate that
gigantic place. City-savvy developers are rehabilitating many
dilapidated buildings along Woodward Avenue. Compuware built a
new headquarters and brought 4,000 workers downtown. Foundation,
private, and state funds are sparking the construction of a new,
$200 million park along the Detroit River.

Three new casinos and two new downtown stadiums were built, some
in the most formerly blown-out areas of town. The city is
repaving Indian Village’s streets. According to a study by the
Brookings Institute, household incomes in Detroit rose faster in
the 1990s than in 22 other cities studied and child poverty
dropped by a stunning 13 percentage points. A group of young,
homegrown architects, convinced that Detroit is a place that
people will want to be, is leading a project to rebuild 1,200
acres of businesses and housing on Detroit’s far east side, the
largest urban neighborhood reconstruction project ever proposed
in the United States.

On a bright, blue-sky day this spring Ms. Kavanaugh settled on a
picnic table in her back yard and reflected on all that is
happening in Detroit. The city is alive, she said. Even the
people who had their bikes stolen or watched the police chase a
drug dealer through their backyard or still complain about high
city taxes feel it. A carpenter — bang, bang, bang! — nailed new
siding up on a neighbor’s house. Across the street backhoes dug
foundations for new homes. Ms. Kavanaugh just sold her lot next
door to a friend who plans to put up a house there.

“My organization is doing what it can,” she says of the citizens
district council she administers, one of 17 such neighborhood-
based groups throughout the city. “We don’t write businesses
checks. We do build sidewalks. The idea is to make it more
pleasant for businesses to locate here and to thank those that
have been here all along. These sidewalks say ‘Thank you for
staying here.’ Instead of potholes and crappy old lights we have
a place people can walk and feel good about it.”

“If you sit in my office you’ll see five people a day come
through or call asking about housing information for rentals or
sales. Houses are on the market in all price ranges. One just
sold for $269,000. People are coming here.”

Keith Schneider is the Institute’s deputy director and a veteran
environmental journalist. Reach him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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