He's still there and it's still a great shop. They've just moved to larger
premises and also now have a coffee shop downstairs. It's still on Old St
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "theREALmxyzptlk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "diana potts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: 26 June 2004 20:29
Subject: Re: (313) London record shops

> At 03:19 PM 6/26/2004, diana potts wrote:
> >-
> >http://www.smallfish.co.uk/html/homepage.asp
> >
> >I believe Rob Webb is the one that turned me to this
> >store. the site has everything you need-including mail
> >order:)
> >
> >and yes fat cat has been no more.i was actually in
> >london the week fat cat closed.it was sad times.
> Boomkat and Phonics (or something close to that) are also very good. Not
> that I know from personal experience, but second hand info and web
> Smallfish used to have Steve "Stasis" Pickford in its employ - great shop.
>                          jeff

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