aye if i were you I hold off for a while too - as you say first generation
is always a bit dodgy. I waited for FS for 2 years before taking the plunge
to get it but its still not really up to the quality id expect for that
amount of cash (its a great system but it doesnt handle turntablism as well
as it should and also lot of peeps are having technical/usb issues - tho it
works fine in this area for me).

>From the rumours Ive been hearing I suspect SSL will blow it out of the
water on performance .. but now theres two on the market i imagine
development will speed up a bit and the next gen will be da bomb.

If anyones interested Ive got a FS mix up at www.langsman.com [the first
one] my first recorded effort with FS. Its a mix of breaks, 313, electro,
progressive and various other wacky bits n pieces - I went on a bit of
sample frenzy to test out FS (got some really nice stuff off the modulations
dvd!) hopefully in my next mix Im gonna try spinning some tunes and remixes
Ive been working on along with stuff some mates have done as I think this is
where there is a lot of benefit to be had from the whole mp3 thang.

peace out,

----- Original Message ----- 
Cc: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: (313) Rane SSL

> i'm very eager to buy fs or a similar system. i've saved the cash and it's
> sitting in the bank. but i regard them as beta releases.
> software is like sex - i think it's a personal failure if you have to pay
> for it. if i'm spending $500 on software, i don't want to have to
> my system software or screw around with drivers or extension conflicts.
> for that type of money i don't want any hassles or doubts. till then...
> james
> www.jbucknell.com
>              turnstyle
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              z>                                                         To
>                                        313@hyperreal.org
>              29/06/04 09:49 AM                                          cc
>                                                                    Subject
>                                        Re: (313) Rane SSL
>    hmm .. as I understand this system has been developed by a bunch of
> Kiwi's
>     for those that don't know that is people from New Zealand .. hence
> the two tracks
>     loaded on the screen shot of the software being kiwi artist ..
>     but the talk I am hearing .. is that the pitch algorithms are the
> good bit . kinda french
>     to me .. but I think we need to wait six months to get the real
> feel . will it survive the
>     road the vodka . and the 'smoke machine'
>     the initial hype of FS .seems to have faded .. and I haven't seen
> to many people really
>      rely on the system ..
>      my interest is certainly in the latency . and I had wondered by
> the flicking through the
>      record box thing .. while I know what I want . I often select it
> by cover color or texture ..
>     rather than know the name .. and reading the label - new system
> new tricks though .
>      In the world of dj toys though . I'm more interested in the
> battle of the CD decks . ..
>      seems the Denon dealers have been trash talking on the Technics
> Forums about
>     the new Technics CD decks ..
>     either way .. it's all a big threat to vinyl and record shops in
> the way we know it ..
> >this just appears to be a traktor immitator
> >
> >On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Marc Langsman wrote:
> >
> >>  theres something called djdecks [www.djdecks.be] which can use fs,
> pinky etc
> >  > apparently - is that the one you mean ?
> --
>     ......... .............  .........................................
> . . .         ... .. ..............
>              //
>        \\      aw'  yea I reckon '
>                          http://www.obscure.co.nz   //
>                                       \\
>    ................. . . ..................................... ...   .
> . . .................................
> ForwardSourceID:NT0000EF32

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