it looked empty because everyone was in the vip / artist / other tents
to avoid the sun and the radiation of heat off the cement.  i cooked
like an egg in front of the speakers, though.

i was very impressed with the sound/lineup/services they had there.  the
vip tent was very nice, and worth the $30.  free lunch, drink tickets,
and a cool place to sit and listen to keith worthy, craig gonzalez, and
michael geiger.  house.

more fun today  :)

say hi if you're there!

: -----Original Message-----
: From: theREALmxyzptlk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
: Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 11:27 AM
: To: Martin Dust;
: Subject: (313) Re: [idm] Pontiac, MI
: Agreed - and yesterday it looked like a ghost town. At its 
: most "packed", 
: there might have been 300 people there. Maybe a few more, but 
: it looked SO 
: empty given the space allotted and 3 stages. A shame with so 
: much talent 
: onboard.
:                                                                  jeff

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