Cheers, will check out that shop.

Yeah, the design center is on the list of things to do my girlfriend
has been drawing up.


On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 09:16:21 -0500, Matt MacQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 2004, at 6:26 AM, Edward George wrote:
> > Right, i'm popping over to copenhagen this weekend to visit a relative
> > and was wondering if anyone - possibly from copenhagen:) - knew of
> > anything interesting (techno related or not) happening anywhere in
> > copenhagen this weekend?
> I found a pretty nice record store there called LOUD.  Ended up talking
> to a guy at the shop there for quite awhile, he runs the Echocord
> label, BTW.   I'd stop in there and check it out, they have music you
> might like if you're on 313... and that's somewhere to start asking.
> For non-techno things (well, sort of techno in that the whole thing
> looks and feels like a Kraftwerk video), don't miss the Dansk Design
> Center... a mecca for all cool things Danish design style.  The
> basement has an exhibit of product design innovation for the last
> century and many of the items look like they could be featured on album
> covers for Doppereffekt or Dynarec LPs... lovable 'high tech' platic
> objects and audio/telecom related devices from the past decades.
> Also it's worth taking a short train trip up north along the cost for
> the Lousiana Museum of Modern Art, perched right up on the water
> overlooking the way to Sweden.  Great modern art museum in a gorgeous
> natural setting.
> I loved copenhagen.
> peace
> --
> Matt MacQueen

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