well done


                      "David Bate"                                              
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       313@hyperreal.org     
                      thms.com>                cc:                              
                                               Subject:  Re: (313) Render List  
                      07/16/04 10:48 AM                                         

Hi All,

A searchable archive of the 313 list from day 1 to present is already in
place but has not been made public.  I am waiting for the list moderator
to reply back with Hyperreal's agreeance to making this public.  The only
issue that might be raised at this point, is that we have removed
the email addresses from the posts, but all header information has also
been requested to be removed.  I and another person on the list are in the
process of writing a script that will remove the header information(except
for subject, time and such. But this will take time to put in place, test
and get approved.

Once this has been done and approved by Hyperreal, then a cron job will
be put in place that will grab the daily archive every hour,
parse them of their email header information and then re-index.

Then one would have the ability to search, based off of time frames as
well as subject and body content.



> I'm reading this thread and what jumps out to me as opportunity with
> what's been offered ... is perhaps the ability to search. haven't we
> talked about this before concerning the usability of the current archives
> setup? I'm not knocking what exists ('cos it's great that it *does*
> exist), just saying that maybe this could help more in the future when
> someone says ... 'hey wasn't there something a few years back about
> _insert techno topic here_' - and then we'd actually be able to find it
> (by keyword search, and not oodles of mails around to see who's still got
> it on their hard drive, etc.).
> I don't think 313 should turn into a forum. I like that it's a list.
> Remember Dirtylist and how that changed to a forum - just not the same.
> :\
> lisa

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