
-----Original Message-----
From: David Gillies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 August 2004 10:03
To: Toby Frith
Subject: Re: (313) Kraftwerk in Miami

Apparently its due September:

"Kraftwerk “12345678 - The Catalogue” will be available on September...

"In a recent interview to italian newspaper La Stampa, Ralf Hutter
confirmed release of Kraftwerk remastered albums (12345678 - The
Catalogue) on September, 2004.

"They will be available in separated pieces and as a box, with the
original artwork when they were first published.

"The 8 albums (Autobahn, Radioactivity, Trans Europe Express, The Man
Machine, Computer World, Electric Cafe, The Mix and Tour de France
Soundtracks) will be published in CD and vinyl, and later in Super Audio
CD, in both English and German versions.

"There will not be unreleased material, only the official material with
some known bonus tracks. The only modification will occurs with the
album Electric Cafe, renamed as TECHNOPOP, with the original graphics
and design from original project.

"The first three records (Kraftwerk, Kraftwerk 2 and Ralf & Florian)
will be released too, after the Catalogue, but as a separated package.
The first three records weren’t released officialy on CD format until
today, and only available in bootlegs with material copied from the
vinyl versions were available.

"The concerts of Kraftwerk Tour 2004 are being registered to production
of a DVD, to be released in the beginning of next year..."

Toby Frith wrote:
> Not sure yet. It could be November, although I'd say, given Kraftwerk's
snail-like pace with things, it's more likely to be next year. They've
confirmed that they will be producing a DVD of their live show next year,
and in a recent interview said that they had some new tracks for a  new LP,
but I'd hold my breath on that one.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 02 August 2004 17:31
> Cc: 313; Ramon Crespo
> Subject: Re: (313) Kraftwerk in Miami
> Anyone know the release date of the reissued albums?

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