Warp meets Wang party coming up in Sept - read below

----- Forwarded by Michael Elliot-Knight/FALMSP/USA/NA/FALLON on 08/03/04
10:20 AM -----
                      "Electro Elvis &                                          
                      Lula"                    To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
                      >                        Subject:  WANG DATE CHANGE - 
OUTDOOR PARTY                                    
                      08/03/04 08:21 AM                                         
                      Please respond to                                         

Hello WANGers,
We hope you are all doing well on this fine day.
We were supposed to do a party this weekend out in the fields of sunny
Norfolk Suffolk but due to site problems we have had to move it to the
following weekend which will be Saturday 14th August, sorry to muck all you
party people around but I am sure you understand how these parties work.

The line up will be announced in the next few days and we will send an
out to let you all know.

But on a high note we do have some very good news for all you WANGers we
will be doing a party at an old acid house venue, THE DUNGEONS situated on
the Leabridge road on Saturday 4th September,
we promise it will be one of the best events yet with a more people being
able to attend but keeping with the ol Premises laidback vibe
We will of course have all the WANG regulars and a room hosted by WARP
Records, kindly arranged by long time WANG friend TOM P.
So keep checking the web site and look out for more info on our outdoor
events and the party at THE DUNGEONS.

That's all for now WANGers, See you on the 14th.......!!!!!!!!


Lula + Electro Elvis

  __          __
  \ \        / / ____   _ ___   _____   __________________
   \ \  /\  / / |__  \ | /   \ |  _  \   www.wanging.com
    \ \/  \/ /   __| | |  /| | | | \ |  +44(0)7904 343 408
     \  /\  /   / <> | | | | | | |_| |  1stSatOfEveryMonth
      \/  \/    \_____\|_| |_| |___  |   Less of a club,
                       ____________| /   More of a party!
                       \____________/   __________________

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