I first heard house/techno in sydney in the 80s.  found out it came from
the US and moved to new york in 92. best thing i ever did - the music,
clubs, djs, friends (and the pizza slice) changed my life.
walking back over the brooklyn bridge with a group of like minded friends
as the sun rises after dancing all night to juan atkins and carl craig or
hearing inner city play 'pennies from heaven' as i danced in hart plaza,
dancing with my girlfriend margie (and otto!) to larry heard playing 'play
it loud' in detroit,  djing at a loft party in brooklyn while the crowd
bugged out and  a meteor shower rained overhead - i didn't even dare dream
of such things when i first fell in love with dance music.

my advice - rob a bank or steal from your grandmother and move out of
whatever parochial back wood city or town you're in. if you love this sh*t
follow your heart. move to where the music is, to where there is a large
group of people who feel the same way as you. everything else is babylon.

             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To 
             erkinswill.com>           <313@hyperreal.org>                 
             05/08/04 02:38 PM                                             
                                       RE: (313) Techno Geography          

 I'm in NC like JT, and I don't think things (techno related) can get
any worse anywhere else. But When I think about moving to a better place
I automatically think of the addage that people make a place (city) the
city doesn't make a person. Well maybe New York Does.

But to be honest I would be faced with the same situations ANYWHERE that
I am faced with here. I may get more bookings in Germany or Detroit or
somewhere in Europe, but would I get enough to support my life??? And if
I did would I actually enjoy it? What's holding me back has nothing to
do with where I am. I'M holding myself back. I'M the one that can't
decide whether I really want to play out in a smoky cub 4 nights a week.
I'm the one that has to decide whether I would be happy with less money
than what I make at my 9 to 5. To make a long story short neither Berlin
or Detroit would make those decisions easier.

If you want to make a change then change yourself and then move.

-----Original Message-----
From: fwdthought [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 6:52 PM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: (313) Techno Geography


I think all of this talk on geography and how it affects our
productivity/ involvement/ opportunities as producers, djs, artists,
fans etc. is a key topic.  It matters, and it does not matter.

First, I must quote The Pet Shop Boys...

"...there's a lot of opportunities, if there are'nt you can make

I've been very tempted to move to Detroit. However, after questioning my
motivations, I see that by doing so, I am only chasing myths and ghosts
of what I think a "Detroit" experience "should" be. I can say that the
few times I have visited, I have been completely blown away: the sincere
people, Detroit's love of ALL music, Detroit's freakishness...and of
course all of the incredible artists that populate that city, in their
varied mediums, not just techno music. I'm talking photgrapy,
advertising, graphic design, political thought, journalism. Detroit Rock
City! Godamn it! I really think you are born into it and must have it in
your blood and veins. I am happy with the idea that it CANNOT be
transplated by a simple change of geography. (Apply to your dream city/
situation of choice)

Great teachers want their disciples to spread the word, set up their own
churches, communes, record labels, clubs, 'zines...etc. Detoit is the

I guess it depends on what you are doing. I have found that more easy
going evirons fuel my creativity, as a producer.

I can riff and ramble on this a lot more. My head hurts right now.

Peace, Louis


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