noticed the thread on moving on this list...

i'm currently in san francisco (well, ok, over the bay 
in bezerkeley), and for the past several years have 
been feeling the urge to leave the bay area.  i'm 
just not happy here - i miss the seasons like back 
east (i'm from jersey), and i miss the summer (you 
know "the coldest winter i ever spent was a 
summer in san francisco...")  a move would be a 
big deal, though - i'm not as young as i once was, 
and my partner and i have accumulated a lot of 
stuff (well, he has A LOT of records he's not going 
to part with).  

anyway, since i don't see how either of us could 
make a living at this point in the uk or berlin or 
barcelona, i'm putting out feelers about other 
places in the u.s.  

so, is there anyone on this list in asheville, chapel 
hill, austin or ann arbor?  (these are a few places 
i'm checking out.)  what's the techno scene like 
there?  uh, is there one?  (excluding ann arbor 
from that question, since i know it's near detroit.) 
techno brings me so much joy and it's close to my 
heart and i don't want to give that up.  

i know a place can be what you make it, and i've 
done my share of diy stuff here in the bay, but i 
enjoy the freedom of going out and just dancing 
and not having to throw the party as well, so i'd like 
wherever i move to have at least something going 

or maybe i should just figure out a way to make a 
living in europe.  (sigh).    

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