Yeah, I'll echo James' sentiments here - I too have no qualms about
using the net to get hold of out-of-print rareties, but I find that
downloading current stuff for preview purposes is great - I still spend
as much money on vinyl as I used to, but thanks to the use of P2P as a
'listening post' I find that the quality-to-crap ratio of my purchases
has improved immensely. Basically, I get to spend as long as I like
(within reason) with a track before deciding whether to buy it or not -
not a quick 2 minute listen in a shop or even worse a scratchy 30 second
sample. Great for picking up those tracks that 'grow on you' which you
might have initially disregarded on a record store visit and we've all
done that, I'm sure...

>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/08/2004 10:53:06 am >>>

likewise, i don't regard p2p as the place to get quality files you'd
out. for that i do private exchanges. discogs is a great place to hook
with likeminded people. we're not talking recent releases on
labels - i'm dealing with way out of print, rare sh*t that can't be
anyway. there isn't any product to pay for in these cases that gives
to the label or producer.

btw. robin, if as you say, downloading a file on p2p is stealing, then
isn't downloading the file at also stealing?

             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
                                       313 Org <>     
             10/08/04 05:03 PM                                         
                                       (313) P2P                       

i agree with ani below.

thing is though if you want these tracks for playing out, or whatever,
mp3s (unless the very minimum of 192k, and even then) just won't cut
it. it has to be be a full wav/aiff. and do you trust th person who
ripped it to do a good job of recording it in? (uness ripped off cd of

i view the p2p dl's as just a way of hearing a full preview of the
material really (like you can do on any record store but with short
quality clips). once heard an you like, buy it.

the dl'ing of stuff off p2ps of underground labels is basically
stealing. i know i know i've heard all the arguments about how this
shti should be free etc etc. but we aren't talking huge record
conglomerates here (dl'ing the latest missy elliot cd is a far cry
dl'ing a downlow release). in terms of underground labels we are
talking people like us just scraping together cash to get a run of 500
records out. sometimes selling parts of prized record collections on
ebay to do so.

to steal off people like that is wrong and will be to the detriment of
our scene.

ok, i've gone off on one there where it praps wasn't necessary but i
wanted to get that off my chest. i am not saying that p2ps are wrong
anything like that (though replace missy elliot with cubase and
with ableton and you have my views on cracked software) but i think
people if they dl the latest underground release off a small label and
they like it and play it then they are obliged to buy really.

sharing of mixes etc on p2p (unless it's a proper release off a cd) is
ok tho and is what i use p2ps for when i do.


> can't wait to hear this.
> regarding p2p file sharing of unreleased material, i don't condone
> people stealing other peoples' material.  but at the same time, i
> believe i have the freedom to download material because i only play
> vinyl and will ultimately have to buy the record anyway.  i know the
> titles i will buy when they come out, and may want a listen before
> shopping.  also, a bit of laziness when it comes to encoding vinyl
> contributes to my support of sharing music on p2ps.


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