you probably wonder why it says "berlin" in the subject...:

shrinking cities exhibition: sep 4 - nov 7, 2004.
kw institute for contemporary art, berlin.

shrinking cities music: sep 23 - 25, 2004.
palast der republik, berlin.



circonium wrote:

taken from :

"Shrinking cities are a cultural challenge to us.
In the Shrinking Cities project, architects, academics
and artists investigate recent developments in Detroit,
Ivanovo, Manchester/Liverpool and Halle/Leipzig - and
make suggestions.


Shrinking Cities Music acoustically and theoretically
addresses the question how music production developed
and established itself in shrinking cities. Are shrinking
cities especially productive sites for music? How is the
city reflected and thematized in music production?
Shrinking Cities Music comprises discussion groups,
live performances, and parties."

more information:


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