Just to prove how utterly utterly stupid I am:

My mate got me a record from ebay because he owed me a couple of quid.
Something I've been looking for for ages, and have had a few failures to
get (long story)

So anyway, I finally get my mits on this record yesterday. I'm all buzzing
because I've been after it for literally 2/3 years, can't wait to get it
home and blast it out loud. It's not expensive, just hard to find because
there were only 300. I was just happy to have it.

My bag was full of c**p yesterday, and I was in a rush because my
girlfriend was picking me up and I was late.
So I've stuffed everything in my rucksack, slung it on my bag and legged it
down Oxford Rd.

Half way down, I hear this "snap".

I stopped. And thought. "oh, tits"

So, I carry on thinking, it must have been the record. Sure enough, I climb
in my girlfriends car, and I open my bag. There it is, my piece that has
took me ages to find. SNAPPED, folded over like a bit of paper.

what an IDIOT. Only myself to blame too.

I am destined never to have that record. I dare not order it again, I
reckon I could well be struck by lightning next time.

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