On Sep 27, 2004, at 11:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

speaking of 'commercial techno', I caught a different version of the controversial Hummer advert yesterday. the visuals were identical, but some bad alt-rock-type cut had replaced LFO's 'Freak'. perhaps GM's ad team reasoned that most members of the 'target audience' that cut appeals to don't have 50 grand to burn on a vehicle -- and if they did, it's not likely to be spent on a hulking, ozone-destroying monstrosity of an SUV.

Are you sure it was the same spot? There are a few others airing that feature "Debutante" by Jack Drag, "Enter Space bar" by Trabant, "Bluebird of Happiness" by Mojave 3, "Help Yourself" by Tom Jones, "Getting Closer to an Unknown Goal" by Rhythm of Snow, and "Happy Jack" by The Who.

You have a point about LFO's appeal, of course.

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