I don't watch too much television, and i'm not sure as I don't know half of 
those bands, but it definitely wasn't Mojave 3, Tom Jones or The Who.

in related news, if I hear Led Zeppelin in another f***ing Cadillac commercial, 
i'm chucking the telly out the nearest window.

- jobot

----- Original Message -----
Date: Monday, September 27, 2004 12:43 pm
Subject: (313) OT  Hummer

> On Sep 27, 2004, at 11:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > speaking of 'commercial techno', I caught a different version of 
> the 
> > controversial Hummer advert yesterday.  the visuals were 
> identical, 
> > but some bad alt-rock-type cut had replaced LFO's 'Freak'.  
> perhaps 
> > GM's ad team reasoned that most members of the 'target audience' 
> that 
> > cut appeals to don't have 50 grand to burn on a vehicle -- and 
> if they 
> > did, it's not likely to be spent on a hulking, ozone-destroying 
> > monstrosity of an SUV.
> Are you sure it was the same spot?  There are a few others airing 
> that 
> feature "Debutante" by Jack Drag, "Enter Space bar" by Trabant, 
> "Bluebird of Happiness" by Mojave 3, "Help Yourself" by Tom Jones, 
> "Getting Closer to an Unknown Goal" by Rhythm of Snow, and "Happy 
> Jack" 
> by The Who.
> You have a point about LFO's appeal, of course.
> --
> Ian

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