On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 at 7:06 PM, Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My high school used to offer classes in electronic music. This was
back in.............oh, 1986.
We used Sequential Circuit Pro One synths and recorded to 4 track
reel-to-reel. Learned all about FM synthesis.
Best class in high school ever.

I doubt they still offer it.

wow.  that's got to be the earliest i've heard of something like that.

1986?  Heh.  Not even close.  :-)

In 1976 I took an Electronic Music class in my Senior year in high school
in Massachusetts (one town over from where our esteemed Mr. Fred Gianelli
now dwells).  We had, among other things, an ARP 2600 to play with.
(Unfortunately, having no musical ability whatsoever, and still being in the
throes of my pathetic adolescent ELP infatuation, I fancied myself the next
Keith Emerson instead of the next Eno or John Foxx.  Oh well.  At least
it was fun patching all the patch cords to the VCO's and VCF's and making
weird whooping noises with it.)

Incredibly enough, right around that same timeframe, 1975-1976, there was
an ARP store on the 2nd floor of a house that had a liquor store in the floor
down on the street level.  I don't remember what they sold - probably the
AXXE, maybe an Omni, and the 2600 - but I remember going in there and
being amazed that it even existed.  Heck, I would've been amazed to find it
in Boston - back in that day, it was far too specialized. Needless to say, it
went out of business not too long afterwards ...

   - Greg

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