Axis 7"s - I picked up 3 of these last weekend, the 'Absolute', 'Highlight'
and 'Contact' 'Special's.  Really good - best Mills stuff I've heard for
some time.  I remember it was quite a while back people were mentioning Axis
7"s on here - was that these 3 or were there others before these?  I bought
them as a set which weren't cheap at £15, guess they'd have fitted on a 12"
EP which would have been cheaper, better for playing out and at home I'd not
have had to get off the sofa every 4 mins to change the record! (but must
admit to slight hypocrisy as there was certainly a touch of 'OOH! look at
the white Axis 7"s' when I saw them).

Axis double whammy!  Or actually I think this is on a new Axis sub-label
'Mission'.  Anyway I don’t think I've seen anyone mention this on here, it's
by Jamal Moss aka Hieroglyphic Being (also has stuff on Spectral) and well
worth checking.

Juan Atkins 'Fast Forward' EP on New Religion.  Every bit as good as Alex
has been promising.

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