[just tried to send this and my e-mail froze. it probably got through any way, but just in case it hasn't here it is again]

alex.bond ("who else?" i hear all of you ask,) wrote:

Jamal Moss.

Heard that new Axis by him, and it's excellent.

Then, after the pub Friday night me and a mate were playing a few records.
He had this excellent thing on a red label, the name began with C, and ended in O. So, anyway, I have a look to see who made the track as it's good, and, lo and behold, in the small >print "Jamal Moss".

So, have you lot been sleeping?

...huh? what?

What other good records has he done?

he's done a 12"on ghostly, which i haven't heard yet.
and i seem to recall some split release with adonis, or on adonis' label? anyone? and one side on "the cs strategy" on eargasmic records is also by Jamal Moss. (recommended)


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