marc christensen wrote:

Help me understand -- do we believe emotion electric got singled out by bot, or by person?

Before we get too far in collectively imagining how to defeat the mega-corporate worms, crawlers, >& bots by using any of the combined methods described below (graphically representing the >tracklist, flash site, haX3R naming practices, SMIL, ZIP, RAR, whatever) it'd be nice to know if BPI >and/or the RIAA are primarily using automated data sweeps, or whether they're also using real >living investigating clods (you know, humans of varying levels of intelligence) who are probably >paid, like $6.50 an hour to poke around and google in order to find encroaching sites.

Anyone think they're using PEOPLE?

no idea, but i do think, that once you've been identified as a copyright infringer, they will check back on you from time to time to see if you obey to their regulations. so in the case of, real people will from time to time check that site, so usin robot diverting tactics won't help there. not putting up a playlist will. (i think those deepspace radio shows contain a couple of records from major sub-labels, that would have probably been mentioned by bpi, but as those had no tracklists available, bpi didn't mention those...)


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