There is another Muted Trax EP ready to be released on Keynote (yes Otto is back :)) very soon. If you liked the previous tracks from Joris i think you will enjoy this one too, it is in the same vein as the other 2 releases.


On 19-okt-04, at 8:56, Jason Brunton wrote:

I'm with you on this one Joost- I thought he was pretty dull at Movement and although I really liked his Muted Trax EP on Keynote I think he's a bit of a "one trick pony" (so far anyway!)



On 18 Oct 2004, at 18:06, Joost Ploegmakers wrote:

Just listened to the tracks on his website. All really good, well produced stuff, but I can't help but feel I've all heard it before. Years ago. There's not a single track that surprised me.
I must be getting old as well...


On 17-okt-04, at 07:52PM, Ramon Crespo wrote:

I know some of you saw him at Movement. Personally I was floored by the music coming out of those speakers and now with little less than 2 weeks till the album comes out. I'm overjoyed with excitement once again. You can now hear little clips of the songs at Joris' website at :) October 29th can't come soon enough and a return visit to Detroit must be setup for Movement 2005. I saw the future that day and now we can hear it.

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