really sad to hear.
massive respect to sonic groove!
 over the years they sold me some of my favourite records - well over a
thousand of them. many of the staff became my friends, and i had many many
fantastic nights at sonic groove parties.

without doubt the best record shop i ever visisted. they kept such a large
back catalogue that it was more like  a library than a record store. on one
side of the store was house, on the other techno. records were arranged by
country, and then alphabetically by label. for years, i spent whole
afternoons working through each letter in the alphabet listening to every
record in the shop. i cleared out their old school chicago and bass 'n
bleep collection.

thanks for the records, thanks for the good times.

             "Anton Banks                                                  
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                           To 
                                       "313" <>           
             24/10/04 04:15 AM                                          cc 
             Please respond to         (313) Sonic Groove is closed!       
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                              

I can't believe that I'm writing this. Sonic Groove closed their doors
tonight. As fate would have it, I found myself being one of the last people
in the store. Apparently, their current inventory will be sold via their
website. After that, they're done...


Anton Banks


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