
I loved having people like you in the college courses that were graded on a curve.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:55 PM
Subject: (313) living in america part II

After recieving a couple of heartfelt suggestions that I should perhaps move (to north korea or china no less), basically love it or leave it. I am not a world class musician like r. hawtin or derrick may, but both of them have spoken out about what is happening here in the US of a. I cannot afford to just pack up and move to Germany or spain, perhaps people that wish people like me to be gone could have a fundraiser or make a donation to send us naysayer, liberty, and freedom minded people away I had a chance to ponder what do people who love detroit techno really know about the history of the music and the people that pioneered it. I appreciate that most people are alittle short on memory, but history is a living thread that art is an expression of. Anyone can throw together a techno track or a dance music set, what makes this different. Again and again, it comes back to soul and r&b, it is those progressions that make this music have more emotional content than the simple expression of technology. It is the spirit of the people that fuels the creation of art, and it is what brings me back to detroit again and agian. And what does this soul or R&B come from? A history of oppression that runs deep in the history of this country. It is the spirit of the people that fuels the creation of art, and it is what brings me back to detroit again and agian. What does that mean today? It means that when we see Jim Crow like attempts to stop voting in black commun!
ities, we have to speak up and say it like it is.
So anyway, I will wait for the checks to come in. Pay me the big bucks for my records on ebay. But in the tradition of american heretics, I ain't going nowhere. tom

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