on some mixes i did i actually put the track list in the IDv2.3 tag, in the
comments tag.  it's effectively unlimited space, not visible to RIAA pigs,

requires a progam like IDtagIt or others for managing tags, and a little
extra work.

i'm thankful to get the mixes, martin, with or without TL's .  thanks for
your efforts.


Jeff Davis             fon: 81.3.5114.3771
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     fax: 866.489.6463
                       cel: 81.90.6031.9369

-----Original Message-----
From: Tristan Watkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 7:15 PM
To: Martin Dust; robin
Cc: 313@hyperreal.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'bjoern @ bikini
Subject: (313) So Crazy it Just Might Work - was Re: (313) Da Mixes

On Fri Oct 29 10:43 , robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>i think it's wise to keep those tracklistings off the web from now on.
>trying not to go off on a rant about this so i'll shut up now.

Just had an idea! People could start putting tracklists in the file titles,
something like this:


I think Windows now supports 1024 character file names, so it could work (I
think - haven't actually counted), and you'd have the added
benefit of getting the tracklist to scroll in the media player. Dunno if
search bots would be able to pick out anything sensical from a huge file
name like that.

A thought, at any rate...


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