>-----Original Message-----

>The only decent ringtone I've heard is my mate Nick's At Les one.
>now thats TECHNO!
>Whatever next?

Heh, heh I can transfer audio to my phone and use that.
At the moment if my girlfriend rings it goes "Yo! Franco!" in her voice.
Everybody else activates a loop of "This Brutal House".

>Tell you what though, bet there are a few more people who've heard of
Derrick May now.

I wonder how many though?  It doesn't really feature his name on the recent
(poor) version which people I know call the 'Soul Central thing' or
'Whistlebump thing'.  And you may say "well some people will be into it and
look below the surface" but people likely to do that are probably interested
enough in music to have looked below the surface of dance music and heard of
him already?

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