Went to see Richard Kirk in a small cinaema in Bristol..  show started
with a film basically stepping back in time to early 80's Sheffield with
very raw footage of cabaret Voltaire doing a home recording from a
bedroom...a look at the scene with human league and abc and afew visual
efx etc..  one track in particular was pretty amazing  big phat 303
bassline  must have been early 80's..  ?????

Then after a short interlude he came on...  with a plastic carrier
bag..took a couple of minidisks out, stuck a cd in..sat down and lit a
fag (cigarette for all you American folk) and proceeded to make
astonishing music...he had this effects box which I now want and he
started with 2 pretty thumping techno numbers then proceeded to go into
dub with some blissful basslines echoes and everything that you could
possible want from music... (well me anyway)  all the time this was
going on there was a kind of 'stakker' video going on in the
background...  got to say  this is the closest I have come to doing acid
for a long time..  he even did some weird techno / electro remix of test
one...  play the 5 tones...

If I had to sum it up..i'd say it was jus filthy dubbed out techno.....

This guy is a f*****g genius.....

One strange thing was the venue tho..it was a cinema, so everyone was
sitting down....  apart from me and my g/f who were up shuffling around
unable to cope with hearing music this good without dancing.....  surely
that's what its designed for....  pretentious arty people who probably
didn't know wwho he was anyway didn't dance..  oh well  their loss  :)

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