Martin Dust wrote:

It's not a matter of live with Ableton. It's more DJ set or Performers own material, they could have two spoons for me...

--> Sorry, never meant it was a matter of Abelton, just abused them as an 

As for: "It's more DJ set or Performers own material" well Ricardo was creating drums and just strange noises and triggering them by hand, and Richie was sampling records and playing with those, much like most musicians do these days with samples.

So were they live or DJ'ing?


On 3 Dec 2004, at 11:55, Tosh Cooey wrote:

After the weekend in London for the Richie/Ricardo spectacle I have a question:

What exactly does "live" mean?

Can the word "live" be replaced by "Playing their own music"?

I ask because during the course of the show there were moments when Richie would put on a record, grab a loop from the record and let that play while Ricardo programmed live beats or just plain strange bloobly noises and then Richie would go to work doing things with effects and the foot controller or even just noodling about with Abelton LIVE...

For large stretches of time not a record was playing. Is that any more or less live than somebody playing a "live" set from Abelton?

It's really unfortunate that Fabric sequesters the DJs because to watch them performing would be a lot of fun for the crowd I think.

McIntosh Cooey - Twelve Hundred Group LLC -

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