> ... BUT I play all that clicky
> microhouse perlon type stuff a lot, and for some reason I don't 
> understand, people here don't seem to like that sound much anymore. 
> However, in my opinion that is the logical evolution of the music and 
> there is a lot of great stuff being made along those lines.  I do 
> realize when I see everyone's top ten list that my tastes seem to be 
> diverging from the "313 mainstream" these days.

I'm not sure about that. I still like plenty of click stuff. It's just like 
everything else. When the acid sound first hit, it was the same. 2-3 hour sets 
of pummeling acid. Once the novelty wore off, cats started actually mixing it 
up again. Same with the electroclash crap. Some was cool, but no one wanted 
hours of it. Didn't stop half the dj world though. So now click has settled 
into the realm of "useful tool for tastemakers" instead of "groundbreaking new 
genre". Not a bad thing in my opinion.

I do disagree that it's a logical progression though. The only thing that 
differentiates the "sound" is the sources and processing. And even that isn't a 
radical difference from what dan bell and crew were doing in 95+. Tighter 
shorter samples. But the patterns and arrangements, the moods and concepts are 
all pretty standard to techno's old guard. It's just new techno anyway. (not 

Kamal K. Stoddard
Turner Broadcasting Systems

 "Bebop was about change, about evolution. It wasn't about standing still and 
becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change." 

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