Funny you should mention a record for most, uh, records....

on the LD site there's a thread about Djax-up-beats and I do think out of
any still existing dance record label they have got to have one of _the
largest_ discographies ever.
Look on their main website (not discogs because it's far from complete)

is my math right? - they have 250 different releases in their catalog on
Djax-up-beats alone?
Granted many of the recent releases have been "set drum on high and go" but
still - that's mighty f*cking impressive.
Their first Djax-up-beats record was released in 1990.
And Alan Oldham has made most of them look fantastic I might add

what other dance/electronic labels are up around there (and still in
Tresor? Strictly Rhythm?


             Andrew Duke                                                   
             Audioworks                                                 To 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         "M : A : T : R : I : X"             
            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              
             m>                                                         cc 
             12/15/2004 10:10                                      Subject 
             PM                        Re: (313) too quiet? too pac!       

M : A : T : R : I : X wrote:

>how does he still do it after all of these years? and from the grave
I think Hakan Lidbo and Merbow likely hold the record for "most
new records released while alive", whereas Tupac's definitely got
a chokehold on the record for "most new records released after
death"! :) Andrew

Andrew Duke
scoring/sound design/source
Cognition Audioworks label
[Andrew Duke, Foal, Clinker, Granny'Ark]

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