artist . song . album or LABEL
dieb . schwei . unit-injector drive
butane . why don't you just fart in the microphone . finger control
alice mackay and benfay . lighthouse . THINNER
dwight ashley . art of standing . four
emanuela de angelis . mw vibes . turning back ain't no way forward
smash tv . what about me? . electrified
mr. fingers . can you feel it? . warp 10+1
rhythim is rhythim . the beginning (limitless mix) . TRANSMAT
son rev . {whole mix} . friday 13th session
monobox . molecular reconstruction (dr. frankufen akenstein mix) . LOGISTIC
orbital . chime (live style mix) . rest and play
jeff mills . man made . the tomorrow time forgot
adam jay . west nihilism . west nihilism

it looks short but it has a mix from an internet listener! if you want to submit anything for on-air play, please email me offlist and we will work out something.

you can listen in at

catch the hydrogen economy every saturday night (well, not tonight because of the massive snowstorm) at midnight eastern US time on WRIU 90.3 FM in Rhode Island. you can also listen online at

matt kane's brain
aim -> mkbatwerk || mkbwriu

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