The Decadance club (Gent-Belgium) build on her reputation in the underground
scene for years. They earn all support and respect from the scene. The
future will be bright with more clubs like decadance :)

lady aida

Rebelbass weblog @ 3voor12:
Rebelbass home:

> Just to say than UR party "Belgian Resistance night" ;-), this saturday was
> fantastic!
> DJ 3000 & James Pennington did two amazing sets !
> Lot of UR t-shirts into the crowd ;-), lots of fans, members of numerous
> Detroit related mailing list, lots of friends from France , Holland, and
> Belgium of course.
> Its few weeks I feel than the underground scene is coming back in Europe,
> with the old good underground  roots we used to have here...
> Last week in Public Life in London (thanx to Matt Chester from 11th Hour
> recordings)...this week in Gent...whats next ??? !!!
> I also feel than the power of mailing list is growing and growing...its
> probably the source of that new emergence of underground parties...
> The future is the the underground...
> Fabrice Lig
> _________________________________________________________________
> Téléchargez notre chanson pour Simon & Odil !

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