Honestly, the reasons for the "sucess" of the festival have already been
presented by Ian and others.  They lie not in the numbers, or the money,
but in the ability to share the experience with someone you may have never
been able to share it with, in a manner that NO ONE saw coming.  That very
first festival was clouded in doubt, almost didn't happen right up until
the very day it happned, and was there not just for the true
techno-warriors, but for those who may or may not have ever been
introduced to techno at all.  It was an ambassadorship for the sound and
the freedom of expression that we all promote on a daily basis, wrapped up
into a weekend in the city that incubated it, for those who may not have
experienced it before...   I think one of the best things about the DEMF,
was the fact that it wasn't happening after midnight, in some stinky, wet
warehouse, but rather, in an open place, in the middle of the day.  It
attracted those uncommon to the subculture BECAUSE of the way it was
different from a european MASSIVE, or from a "rave"...

:D ense.

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Martin Dust wrote:

> Questions
> 1. Are we interested in the numbers only?
> 2. Would it not be better to put on a good festival that showcased
> Detroit and International artists for 10,000 and break even, than 1
> Million and lose everything, including the future of the Festival?
> 3. Are we on the list doing what we can to help make sure it happens?
> 4. Would it be better to start again and just continue to build on what
> we make than suffer at the hands of people who don't care?
> 5. If we feel the numbers would be low in Detroit, why not put it on in
> Europe?
> M

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