But rules for radio and media are set by the FCC, and the tone of their
decision making is typically set by the administration.  This is an
administration that believes that corporations are good, monopolies are not
really a big deal, and any kind of government intervention in such matters
amount to some kind of pinko communism.

--> I definately don't want to defend the current administration, but actually ClearChannel hasn't become what it is ONLY in the last five years.

Hey at least we invented house and techno and jazz and rock and roll right?!

Now this is something that bugs me. Some Europeans will often say "America has no culture."

But what do Europeans watch on TeeVee, at the movies, the music they listen to, much of modern minimalist art, AOL, etc. etc. etc.

I always have to correct them by saying that actually "America doesn't have a lot of *traditions* or *history*, relatively, but they export culture like nobody ever has."

Fxcking ponces.


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