Just got back from this show. Holland's 8 minute "Motor City Dance Mix" has all the makings of a 1989-era 313 anthem, if it had been written for a few pieces of Japanese electronics instead of a full symphony orchestra. The composer's intentions were effective and clear, regardless of how stiff the musicians were. I have yet to hear an orchestral percussion section that can swing nearly as hard as most of the Detroit city high school drum corps can. Still, I was smiling the entire time, feeling a certain legitimacy descend on the sounds we know and love. And the performers get an A for effort. I wonder if any of them were persuaded to "research" the context and inspiration during rehearsal.

Hannibal Lokumbe's "Dear Mrs. Parks" was a complete revelation. Stunning. Powerful. It's a love song for the power of a single human spirit, a prayer for justice and peace, and a celebration of liberty, turned up to 11. The composer was in attendance during this world premiere weekend, and he was even spotted dancing in his box seat throughout much of the performance. I can't wait to hear this again, and hope it's recorded soon.

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