Too bad our tracks usually don't last long enough for a fag, but I fancy 
the idea..:)


02/22/2005 10:25 AM


Re: (313) radio show peeps

>> erm, would this be a good time to try and blag a show on little detroit
> radio?
>It's not going to be chat show is it?

Yeah, for sure. Chat's what I'm all about.

Midnight caller, but a techno version

"techno midnight caller"


Host>"Hello, Line 1, you're thru to the techno terrorist, how can I help?"
Caller "All techno is getting a bit fast for me, is there any nice
mid-tempo stuff about"
Host>"Sloooowwwwwww it down bird brain, NEEXXXXXXXXXXT"

Host>"Line 2, you're on"
Caller>"Marsel from Delsin records just stole my brand new axis hovercraft
I bought off Jeff Mills"
Host>"Don't worry my son, I'll send an operative to kick his tulip ass"
Caller>"thanks pikey, cheques in the post"
Host>"Thats the spirit oooour kid"

*Host slams in hardest darkest Ultradyne record he can find*

Host>"Chill out to that mo' fo's, I'm off for a fag"

got to be a winner.

p.s. yeah, it was me, I said "do it"
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