
Been away from the list for a bit. Just catching up . . .

Im off to India next week (hmm wonder if I can do any record shopping in the
Punjab : ) ) and me boiler is on its way out so need to save all the I money
I can. Sounds like a cracking line up tho for our friends eclectic.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 21 February 2005 17:04
Subject: Re: (313) Greg Wilson/F.K/Kirk Degiorgio all in Manchester this

I got like an email mailout thing from Greg Wilson, he posted this on the
electric chair message board, so I posted it here to see if ots persuades
anyone to come:

Now then, Mr Ravinder from Leeds, me thinks this is going to be right up
your street, fancy the trip over the pennines?

Greg Wilson on the Leccy Chair:
"Less than a week to go now. Just wanted to share some thoughts ahead of

It definitely feels like this night marks the start of a new phase for me,
the Electric Chair being one of the most respected clubs in the UK and part
of a great tradition of underground nights in Manchester, dating right back
to the Twisted Wheel in the 60's. Manchester has historically had a strong
and innovative black music scene and Luke and Justin, via the Chair and
Electric Souls, have evoked the spirit of influential venues like The
Gallery, The Playpen, Berlin, The Reno, Rafters (once the Music Box) and my
own club night of the early 80's at Legend.

Before I started deejaying again, 14 months ago, I'd been, for many years,
almost completely out of touch with what was going on in the clubs. Although
I'd heard the name Electric Chair, the first time I really picked up on what
was happening there was about 18 months back, as a result of reading an
interview Laurent Garnier had done with City Life, which I'd come across not
in the magazine, but online. The interview was about his return to
Manchester to DJ at the Chair. Clicking on a link to see what he'd played on
the night, I was really shocked to find that a handful of records he
featured could be described as 'Legend classics', tracks which I first
played as US imports in Manchester over 2 decades ago, like Sinnamon's
'Thanks To You' and 'Planet Rock', the seminal Soul Sonic Force 12" that
heralded the dawn of Electro era and caused me so much personal hostility
from the Soul purists when I began featuring it on what was still, at that
point, referred to as the Jazz-funk scene.

It was a big surprise to learn that a new audience was now appreciating
these records. Soon, again via the internet, I'd begin to exchange emails
with a number of people who helped educate me with regards to what was
happening on the more underground scene. These included Danny Webb, who
would prove to be a major catalyst in my return to the clubs, being the
co-promoter 'Music Is Better', where I'd make my comeback in December '03.

Much has happened since then, from basically not having a clue as to what
was going on I now feel like an active participant in a vibrant emerging
movement, linking up with people all over the country who share a passion
for a more 'soulful'/'eclectic' approach to their clubbing. Within this
community, Electric Chair is undoubtedly a huge inspiration - the type of
club night people aspire to evolve in their own cities.

Once I'd got the lowdown on what the Chair was all about, I knew it was
exactly the type of night I'd love to appear at. During recent months I've
been able to check it out first-hand on a couple of occasions, experiencing
its unique atmosphere. It will be an absolute pleasure to come and DJ for a
crowd who not only know how to party, but are so musically tuned-in. In a
sense it represents something of a homecoming for me, due to the underground
links that connect me directly back to my former DJ days of 20+ years ago.

Apart from this link back to Legend there's also a further connection to an
earlier time for me. It's my 45th birthday this week and, ironically, I'm
now as old as the speed of the records I started out playing in the clubs!
That was back in 1975, when I was just 15. Now, here I am 30 years on,
exactly 3 times this age, deejaying once more (and loving it!). All very

Anyway, big thanks to everyone for all the good vibes and kind words during
recent weeks - I really appreciate it. Very much looking forward to seeing
you all on Saturday"
--------------------- End of message text --------------------

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