Space - I live in a small flat and get really frustrated because there's
records everywhere, it might look kind of cool and some people would be
quite happy to be surrounded by tunes but all the clutter does my head in.
I'm currently in the process of a near 4 figure refit just to try and
increase my storage.
+ I can't find the wood for the trees - I'm probably not the only one who
can't remember what some of the records I have actually sound like or who
occasionally 'discovers' bombs I didn't know I had.  A natural consequence
of buying too many records so for this reason also to I try to keep the
number I own down.
Don't know if anyone else has these issues - I guess they might!

i have this problem too. it's a nightmare to keep a track of it all.

and now i've got to sort house insurance...i hate dealing with insurance companies, the question "will you insure my 3000 ish records?" never goes down that well


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