ha wrote:
> got this from a board, but i can't remember which one...
> it works.
> "Save the file somewhere on your computer [ie play it in realplayer,
> look up the clip info, there you can see where it is located on your
> pc]. Right click and choose "open with" and pick notepad or similar
> program. You should now get an url, which is where the file up for
> streaming is located. Cut and paste this url into your browser and
> download should start. Now you'll just have to locate where your
> computer saves such files (if you don't get the option of chosing a
> location). Searching for it after download has finished should do the
> trick anyway. Having said this, I'm a pc user. I've heard this doesn't
> work completely similar on Macs."

This approach doesn't always work, if the stream is over rtsp for example.

In which case do as above, but instead of pasting the link into your browser do this at a command prompt...

mplayer -dumpstream url

replacing url with the location of the rm file.

This work on linux, windows and might work on Mac if you can build the source code. You will end up with a file stream.dump in the current directory. Rename that file and give it an rm extension away you go. This works in real time though, it's like recording a tape. It will work with all real audio streams though.

To get mplayer go here http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/dload.html


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