Twist and Shout Records is probably the best you can do. There are 2 parts to the store, the pop section and the 'underground' section. Their selection was pretty week, but again, it may be the best you can do in Denver. I was there for work in 02 and dug through everything and I think I only walked away with a rekkid or two. Here is their website:

You could probably find flyers there for happenings. I went to a pretty OK house night at the Red Room (or something like that).

Driving up to the top of Mt. Evans is an awesome daytrip if you can't find anywhere to shoot. I would imagine a gun shot on top of the Mt. would give you a pretty cool echo-echo-echo...



>Subject: (313) Denver this coming weekend?  Any suggestions?
>Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 10:56:28 -0600 (CST)
>Hello all,
>I am headed to Denver from Friday, March 11 to Thursday, March 17.
>Anyone know of any events to head to?  Or clubs that would have good
>What about record shops?   Any ideas?   I wouldn't be opposed to heading
>to Boulder either.
>And since someone might know -- What about a good shooting range?   yeah,
>like the kind where you pop off a few rounds.  No need for gun rental
>either -- that's covered.
>Thanks for any and all info you can give me.

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