On Mar 9, 2005, at 9:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

everytime I ask for a record off a dealer I get:

*sharp drawing of breath*

(usually on a rusty cigarette flopping out of one side)

"Thats HARD to find that one, however I do have a copy, but I can't part
with it for less than XXXXXX etc"

record dealers are well funny, most of 'em are worse than used car dealers.

bunch of crooks. teehee.

true. that's why you gotta bypass the middleman and go dig at the source! ;) why is it the only time you hear the term "middleman" is when you're trying to squeeze one out of the picture?

Look at Tony Montana... he cut out the middleman.. then again look where he ended up, face down in a pool of blood. "The World Is Yours."


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