still a nice read. more details please.

(  :

Tristan Watkins wrote:

Went to Brighton last night to see our frind Matty's debut, and DJ Assault. 
Hadn't seen him since SXSW in '01 and was pretty excited for it. There's 
something thrilling in an uber-record-geek way about a DJ who removes the 
platter and cranks the decks up to +/-16 as soon as he gets behind the booth. 
He put on quite a show before spinning as well, but I won't bother with those 
details other than to say it seemed like an eternity from when he appeared 
behind the booth initially until he returned from his disappearance. Seemed 
like he was really taking the piss then out of nowhere he started and I 
realised it was midnight on the dot. Weird... Anyway, he turned out a pretty 
good show, although the energy wasn't as sustained as I remember it being. I 
might be getting spoiled by having Brendan and Guy in such close proximity. Oh, 
and Matty rocked it! The world needs more female booty DJs! Apologies for the 
rambling, contentless review. I overstimated my mental capacity this morning.


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