Scarcelight Recordings wrote:
sounds like a revolutionary without a revolution.

  I impose an evolution of value '

  The advent and onslaught of net-labels releasing
  music under creative commons, is a result of the
  control devices of copyright and record labels.

  I have no sympathy for the Artist in a commercial
  sense.  We can not protect the value of music
  without re-establishing what this value is by
  destroying it.

  Several things are happening for me, while
  discovering net-labels, and creative commons.

  I am finding excellent music that makes me question
  the value of the music I pay for. In a dual process
  I am overwhelmed by content and desire a external
  filter that will condition my access to the music.


  The consumer receives the value.

  The artist must create the value.

  The 'company' lose their dictation of value.


  I do not suggest that this is an easy process, however
  it is necessary for progression.

  A strong symbol of this working is Vladislay Delay.

  On their website, they release some MP3 for free, they
  also promote material for sale, and they have provided
  a series of samples which they encourage you to steal!

> this is a bit of a fallacy. just because they would do
> it for free, it doesn't follow that they SHOULD do it
> for free. this is true regardless of the value of the
> "product"

  Artists must remain free to control their own output.

  We are involved in the action of globalization.

  We can acknowledge the process and define its path.

  This is the evolution of value'

  How is the artist not a martyr?


reacting against the "value" given a product because
the artist would like to make a living, assumes that
there is an actual value in the product, otherwise why
react to it ? (and if value is defined by the
consumer, then it must have value to begin with in
order for therre to be a denial of value) furthermore
the cultural conditions of society (broadly speaking)
have forced the perception that art is somehow
cheapened when there is money involved, your stance
seems to feed right into the established norm, but
does it under the (no doubt well intentioned) idea of
being a martyr for art, which is a total bullshit idea
(although sometimes necessary step in evolution of

--- I'm not a dj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Martin Dust wrote:

 The question is simple.

 I struggle with Technology ' help me.

Put the crack pipe down....

  I'm living on the edge ' so don't provoke me

  if your after sustenance . seek the truth


  we are crossing a line that has no return

  the artist is the sacrifice for understanding



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