Erm, just to qualify this, I do have some involvement with The Big Chill, but this booking is by no means a certainty - I think we should wait and see.

Will advise as soon as I hear anything.

At 10:55 am +0100 13/4/05, Odeluga, Ken wrote:
Hello Francis. According to Dan Bean this is more or less confirmed. Dan
plays at the Big Chill Bar on a regular basis and knows the Big Chill
Big Cheeses, big time, so I guess he's big on what's going to happen, at
the Big Chill! :-)

Seriously, I think it's on. I only wish I could afford it....:-/

There is an element of the 'don't-tell-anyone' PR technique in all this:
if you add, 'keep it to yourself' to whenever you give out this info to,
it of course fuels the intrigue and the info inevitably spreads. Despite
all this, I think it's bona fide.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: 13 April 2005 09:22
To: '313'
Subject: (313) festivals (part 2)

Now what can anyone tell me about rumours of Timeline / Los Hermanos
appearing at festivals this summer?
Basically last year I kicked myself for not going to the Synch festival
Greece and was determined to go this - probably instead of going to The
Chill festival here in England which has been tremendous the past 2
but partly that's because it was blessed with fantastic weather both
and it seems greedy to hold out for a third year in a row on that front.
For a while it looked like Synch might not be on but the site now has
up (1 - 3 July, 2 months later than last year) but still no line up.
When someone said on here a while back that UR might be playing that
determined it, I've been persuading friends and I think we're going to
plane tickets in the next few days - however with no line up yet
announced I
guess we're taking a chance.
Then the rumour surfaces on here that UR might be doing the Big Chill!
What's the latest people on the inside track?  Hit me back off list if
have to.

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