What is the business with these Marvin Gaye 45 RPMs Disco 12" Motown
represses? Catalog numbers are TMGLTD??.
The sleeve reads "Made from masters of Motown" and "Marked by RCA 
limited, London".

The sound quality is pretty good with original label and sleeve design.
But, the edit of the start and end of each track was badly done, with
deliberate cuts (going to the extreme of inserting a silence/inter-track
gap right when Marvin is vibeing in What's Happening Brother -

So, do you have more info on these 45s??
Are they really authorized? Which tapes/recordings did these come from?

I have to say I bought them two weeks ago in that B'ham Hard To Find 
bootleg temple, so it makes me a bit concerned about its authenticity



PS (is Motown actually on-topic here?)

NP M.Gaye: Inner City Blues


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