hi gals and guys!
if any of you might be interested in some pics from the last days of tresor including rich hawtin wearing the famous shirt you are all invited to browse the gallery on my website: http://www.energylab.de/gallery/stype atm i'm still busy recording the sets from the last 15 days so the question someone was asking about the last tracks played can be answered when i'm able to listen through all the stuff - still three days to go with 10 gigs of data already on my harddisk :-) the stuff is available till saturday night at the german streaming station www.klubradio.de who provided us over the years with all those fantastic live streams from the berlin clubs. caused by the new german regulations regarding the fees online radios have to pay they (hopefully only temporarily) have to terminate the archives on saturday night. though lots of people were registered as "paying" members - chances are that the files might appear on one of the filesharing networks in the coming weeks. don't ask me - the repeating anti filesharing threads in this list convinced me that it is an evil thing to do - so i quit about a year ago :-)
energylog - read the news - www.energylab.de

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