a friend of mine just sent me mp3s of the tracks on Kraftwerk's upcoming
Minimum Maximum DVD/CD

I don't know if this is the track order but it all sounds so fcking amazing
must listen to this in 5.1 surround!

The Man Machine (Warsaw)
Planet Of Visions (Ljubljana) aka Expo 2000 (sounds like the UR version)
Tour De France Etape One (Riga) - bpms seem bumped up a bit
Chrono (Riga)
Tour De France Etape Two (Riga) - got the crowd clapping along and it's
giving me goose flesh
Vitamin (Moscow)
Tour De France (Paris)
Autobahn (Berlin)
The Model (London)
Neon Lights (London)
Radioactivity (Warsaw)
Trans Europe Express (Budapest)
Metal On Metal (Budapest)
Numbers (San Fransisco)
Computer World (Moscow)
Home Computer (Warsaw)
Pocket Calculator (Moscow)
Dentaku (Tokyo)
The Robots (Moscow)
Elektro Kardiogramm (Tallinn)
Aero Dynamik (Riga)
Music Non Stop (Moscow)

Can't wait for the show!  I'm bouncing in my seat

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