I was acctually trying to extend an olive branch but apparently all you wanted to do was flex, as per usual.

For the record, I know about 6 of the tracks you mentioned, and would never EVER classify them as "happy hardcore". Had you mentioned "Cookin Up Your Brains" i might have been able to accept that one as where you were coming from.

But your list has lost me even more.

Of COURSE that stuff is great! I just wouldnt call it happy hardcore.


On Thu, 5 May 2005, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Derek Plaslaiko." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

i dont rememeber my reply to you going public.

do you REALLY think everyone on this lists wants to sit through yet
another one of our p*ssing contests?

again, sorry about that. its you "reply all" people that kill me
with screwing my filters all up. this appeared in my inbox with my
name in the "to" field, identical to the other one. i hit reply
all to check to see if 313 popped up as well, and it did.

but hey, you started it anyway.



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