616 is in need of a real "reunion" party


random order,
1st vs 2nd wave rave 2005

fannon flowers
jay denham
myles serge
arrron bennit
lee curtiss

--dave, We met awhile ago--I remeber going to a UR cabaret with catherine and you, and others, in highland park. Man you did freak the freakest freak there! talk about butt quake!

On May 19, 2005, at 8:37 PM, David Powers wrote:

616? Really? As in Grand Rapids?!


david smith wrote:

>>>> 1. Greg Earle
>>>> 2. Diana Potts
>>>> 3. Phred Huette
>>>> 4. Garrett McGrath
>>>> 5. Derek Plaslaiko
>>>> 6. Atomly
>>>> 7. Kate Simko
>>>> 8. DelCimmuto
>>>> 9.Luis-Manuel Garcia
>>>> 10. David Powers
>>>> 11. Chana Goodman
>>>> 12. Anton Banks
>>>> 13. Dan Bean

>        14. Mark Butler

     15. J.Tronic
>>>> 16. Dennis Donohue +1 (lol)

>>>>17. David Smith and the 616 allstars

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