> your comparison is so flawed.

Totally flawed and absurd. 
I was just bugging on the logic Tom. Cause the sense of entitlement to someone 
else's prop is just as absurd to me (living around too many bassheads coming 
up, nahmeen? Gotta watch yo shxt).

 Personally speaking (and being serious this time) when I feel the pangs for a 
record I just cannot find, I either just store it away in my "hunt till I die" 
cranial lobe or, if it's really strong, channel that feeling into a new track 
as an homage to the futility of being a record freak. More productive and feels 
better at the end of the day. But to each his own. 

Just so that I'm clear though. If I send you (the collective "you") any of my 
shxt, it better NOT magically transform into "information" and make it's way 
free! Cause if it does, Imma go on some Matrix theory and assume all matter is 
information, then help some of (insert offending bootlegger) 's information 
find it's way free...to my crib. And I may let his face borrow some of my 
biological "information" too if he get's too lippy. Fxcking bootleggers.

Most sincerely produced music is a personal expression of someone's inside 
landscape and most should be grateful for the glimpse and respect the artists' 
choice of presentation (of which timing is an important part), but nooooo... 

Kamal K. Stoddard
Turner Broadcasting Systems

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