Hmm, I missed my lift to the car boot sale to look for records so thought
I'd check my email.

Tom Cox wrote:>what exactly has a collecter done to deserve the $$$ they
for "rare" records?

Well Tom, I used to think the same. But, now I think differently. At the
moment, i have no credit card or anything, so I cant buy records off the
internet. I get my records from my local shops, car boot etc (although I go
farther afield than most looking, I was in bleedin' yorkshire yesterday
looking for rare danceable rock items). But, this puts me back to pre 1997
style record hunting.

So - I found this guy (or well, my mate did, some 18 months, maybe longer

He does a list, once a month. I usually find I'll know about 1/3 - 1/2 of
the records he's selling, then the rest are just things I never heard of.
How does he find these things? I don't know. From other people, or just
plain old checking things out I'd say. What I can say is, I know he puts
time and effort into finding pieces. Like serious amounts of time. I am
very very happy to pay a small premium for this service. Where else do I
get to find out about old things like this? From mixtapes usually, or
reading information on the internet or in books, or in old magazines, but
theres only so far you can go with that. Also of course, small independant
labels from the 70's/80's maybe even didnt get their stuff to england too,
so the stuff isn't even there to find - someone has to put you onto it.

Some record dealers are more un-scrupulous than others. I happen to have
found one that doesn't charge the earth and I'm totally and utterly made up
with the service. Yeah sure, theres a premium on some bits, but hell, some
of these records I wouldn't even have known about. I spend about £50 a
month with him (not alot at all, my friends spend more), and every month
I'm hanging out for my package to arrive because I can't wait every month.
I even buy some records blind off him because I know if he's spent the time
to find it, and he's listing it, its worth checking. I could call him up
and he'll play you the records down the phone, but I like surprises.

It's a bit different for you Tom because of where you live. Theres better
digging to be had over there for sure. Although at some stage you will
start to tire of that and realise you're just coming across the same stuff
all the time, and you'll be loving a service such as this. Mark my words.
Ha hahaa.


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